A  four-month college audition prep program for rising high school seniors

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A  four-month college audition prep program for rising high school seniors

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Say "Goodbye!" to Overwhelm

BVC Aspire is your one-stop-shop for audition preparation. No more cobbling together all the help you need. We've thought of everything so you can feel confident going into audition season!


Private one-on-one performance coaching 

12 hours of song and monologue performance coaching. Work with your own designated performance coach who will see you through the preparation process all the way through filming your pre-screens.

Your audition material

Choosing the right material is key, and good material does half the work for you! And you’re in expert hands, since choosing repertoire is something we do best. We'll help you select audition material that best illustrates your unique talents and personality. Your personalized recommendations include 2 contrasting monologues, 1 classical monologue, and up to 3 songs!

Song cuts and piano tracks

You’ll need hard copies of clearly marked song cuts, as well as professional-level piano tracks to accompany your pre-screen videos and practice sessions. Check! That’s all included.

Mock audition and college faculty panels

Work out the kinks on our mock audition day, and hear from faculty members at various schools around the country about their audition process and their programs.

Monthly Parent / Student Webinars

Stay in the loop with where your child is at in the process and mentally prepare for what's coming next. This the ideal time to ask all of your questions and connect with other families on the same journey.

Essays, Resume, Headshot, & Wildcard

This can feel like the most daunting part of applications, but we're here to turn that anxiety into excitement! We’ll help you share more about who you are throughout all of these application requirements!

That's all included!

No more paying for pricey, a-la-carte coaching services. 

Get everything you need, in one place. 

BVC Aspire's mission is simple:

We help you find a program that values your worth and allows you to thrive.

Let our resources and expertise take the guesswork out of the audition process so that your focus can stay on sharing what makes YOU special, and finding a school that values your worth and enables you to thrive.

"I got into my top choice program, with a scholarship!

I couldn't have done it without Aspire."

-Eve, BVC Aspire Student in Michigan

Is Aspire right for you?

Let's chat!

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selectedCollege Musical Theatre Auditions Q&A Masterclass


As a member of BVC Aspire, you'll get...

  • Expert guidance as you compile a list of schools that fits you and your needs.
  • Personalized monologue and song repertoire ideally suited to your talents and personality. Feel confident knowing your material is showing off what you do best, right now!
  • Private one-on-one coaching time with your own personal performance coach. Walk into those auditions knowing you’re ready to nail it.
  • Organization and peace of mind! We provide spreadsheets and information to keep you organized!
  • Plus, resources and webinars for students AND their parents or guardians.
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What parents are saying:

"Before Aspire, we were not sure what direction to take, and felt overwhelmed! Now, I feel calm, relieved and grateful for our Aspire experience.

The support, honesty, and creativity go above and beyond.

The team is outstanding with all their knowledge and expertise, but I loved getting to know them and all their personalities. They make you feel comfortable and validated."

   -Michelle, BVC Aspire Parent in Michigan, USA

"Before BVC Aspire, I was confused and uncertain of the complexity of the college application process and how best to support my child on this journey. During his time with Aspire, my child was surrounded by uplifting and supportive people who made sure he presented the best of himself.

In the program, not one minute of time was wasted. 

Every meeting, every lesson, every panel began and ended on time, and were all packed with constructive and positive information."

   -Tamara, BVC Aspire Parent in North Carolina, USA

We've experienced the college audition process from every angle

"My mom and I went through the college audition process back in 2007-08, and we were absolutely clueless! It was a stressful experience for my entire family as we navigated it all on our own, piecing together information from various websites, and cobbling together help from multiple teachers and mentors. It was a year long roller coaster ride!"

     -Chelsea Wilson, BVC Aspire co-founder

"As a faculty member in the musical theatre department of the University of Michigan, I’ve seen tens of thousands of pre-screen videos and live auditions. And it breaks my heart when I see students come in who clearly have had no guidance as to their repertoire selection or performance preparation. Or even worse, students who have received misguided help!"

     -Cynthia Kortman Westphal, BVC Aspire co-founder

This program is for you if...

  • You are 100% committed to going to college for musical theatre.
  • You’re a rising high school senior, or high school grad applying to college programs for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • You’re already exhausted thinking about how you’re going to piece together all the help you need to have a successful audition season. If you're looking for a voice teacher, dance teacher, acting coach, pianist, and college advisor… we wear all those hats and THEN some!
  • You want to focus on giving the best pre-screen and audition you can. Save the logistical headache for someone else to figure out—that’s us! 😁
  • You want to have a successful audition process and have time for the other things you want to do! Like being in your school musical, spending time with friends and family, focusing on schoolwork, and working your part-time job.

Is Aspire right for you?

Let's chat!

Book a Free Consult

Ready to get started?

BVC Aspire


  • Song and monologue repertoire selection • Valued at $300

  • 12 hours of performance coaching • Valued at $1800
  • Piano tracks for all audition cuts • Valued at $100+
  • PDFs of audition song cuts • Valued at $100+
  • MT application essay, resume, wildcard video guidance and edits • Valued at $600+
  • Schools list consultations • Valued at $300+ 
  • Monthly parent webinars • Valued at $600
  • Mock Audition Day• Valued at $500
  • College Faculty Webinars x2 • Valued at $1200
  • Downloadable resources & video library • Valued at $1000+ (but actually priceless!)
  • (Optional add-on) 4 hours of private dance coaching and personalized choreography • Valued at $800

Total value $7,300!

Registration for our 2024 program is now closed. Registration for our next season will open in August.

BVC Aspire runs June 1st- September 30th

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Behind-the-Scenes Video Walkthrough ⬇️

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Need to jump-start your audition process?


College Musical Theatre Auditions Q&A Masterclass


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Wondering if BVC Aspire is right for you and your family? What should your next step be?

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